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KeysMUN is a One-Day Middle School
Model United Nations Conference 

Our  competition is held at Keys School in the Bay Area 

(Palo Alto, CA)

Date: October 19, 2024

8:45-9:00am - Registration
9:00-9:15am - Welcome 
9:15-10:30pm - Conference Session 1

10:30-10:45am - Break

10:45-12:00pm - Conference Session 2
12:00-1:30pm - Lunch Break
1:30-3:30pm - Conference Session 3
3:30-4:00pm - Break
4:00-4:30pm  - Guest Speaker and Awards

KeysMUN is meant to provide 5th through 8th graders with a one-day innovative MUN competition for all experience levels ranging from first-time delegates to advanced delegates. 

Registration ends Friday October 11th, 2024!

Sign up today with the link below to get your spot secured! 

This year we will have three committees according to experience level:

1.) Beginner Committee - The China - Taiwan Conflict

2.) Intermediate Committee - 1660 - 1730 Pirates in the Carribean

3.) Advanced Committee - US Death Penalty (US Senate)

*All committees may be subject to change as we get closer to the conference (website will be updated and emails will be sent out)

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